Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions2020-09-22T14:57:14+00:00
What types of issues will the PANL tackle?2020-07-24T12:22:34+00:00

The PANL is not intended to mimic, replicate or function as a union. This association is intended for the sole purpose of representing Emergency Medical professionals. The PANL is committed to following the direction of its members. In that regard we encourage all types of suggestions and feedback. It is important that we focus our energies towards forwarding our core mandates and living up to our mission statement.

Can I register for the PANL online?2024-12-12T19:04:00+00:00

Yes! Click on the “Join PANL” button above. All transactions are handled by Stripe so your credit card information is always safe and secure.

None of these responses really answers my question. How can I contact you for more information?2020-07-24T12:30:40+00:00

If the answer you’re looking for is not here, please feel free to contact us by any of the following means: mail, e-mail, or fax. Specific contact information can be found on the contact us page of the site.

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